Wednesday 20 October 2004

Evening Arrival


Thursday 21 October 2004

08.30Registration of participants

09.00 Welcome and opening remarks,

M. R. De Divitiis, M. Perna

09.15 Presentation of the European Science Foundation (ESF)

Miltiades Hatzopoulos (Standing Committee for the Humanities)


A. Fiscal Organisation of a State and Fiscal Vocabulary


09.30 Jean-Pierre OLIVIER (Fond national belge de la recherche scientifique).

De «l'empire» mycénien et de sa nécessaire fiscalité.

10.00 Massimo PERNA (Instituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa. Napoli).

Réflexions sur les séries Ma et Na de Pylos

10.30 Francis JOANNÈS (Université de Paris X - Nanterre, France).

Le système de taxation en Babylonie achémenide.

11.00 Coffee-break

11.15 Carlos VARIAS GARCIA (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain).

Significant Presences and Absences in the Mycenaean Fiscal Vocabulary from Mainland Greece.

11.45 Margherita JASINK (Università di Firenze, Italy).

Mycenaean Fiscal Vocabulary: Oral or Written Tradition

12.15 Pierre CARLIER (Université de Paris X - Nanterre, France).

Réflexions sur la bureaucratie mycénienne.

12.45-13.15  Discussion

13.15 Lunch Time


B. Fiscal Organisation of the First European Cultures


15.00 Artemis KARNAVA (Ephorate of Cyclades, Greece).

Indications of Minoan Fiscality. 


15.30 Valter LANG (University of Tartu, Estonia).

The Problem of Land Taxation in North-European Bronze Age: an Example from Estonia.

16.00 Coffee-break


C. Taxation and Landownership


16.15 Cristina SIMONETTI (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy).

Terre e tassazione nel periodo paleobabilonese.

16.45 Julien ZURBACH (Université de Paris X - Nanterre, France).

L'impôt pesant sur la terre dans le royaume de Pylos.

17.15-18.00  Discussion

20.00 Dinner at "Trattoria dell'Oca", via S. Teresa a Chiaia n° 11


Friday 22 October 2004


D. Taxation and Corvée


09.00 Cynthia W. SHELMERDINE (University of Texas at Austin, USA).

Differential Compensation and the Status of Mycenaean Workers

09.30 John KILLEN (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom).

Conscription and Corvée in the Mycenaean Archives.

10.00 Francesco POMPONIO (Università di Messina, Italy).

Fiscalità e tributi nel periodo neo-sumerico (21° secolo a. C.).

10.30 Coffee-break

10,45 Marie-Louise B. NOSCH (University of Copenhagen, Denmark).

Ta-ra-si-ja in the Mycenaean Economy and its Near Eastern Analogies.

11.15 Clelia MORA (Università di Pavia, Italy).

Riscossione dei tributi e accumulo dei beni nell'Impero ittita

11.45 Paola NEGRI- SCAFA (ENEA, Roma, Italy).

Modelli e forme di fiscalità nel Vicino Oriente Antico del II millennio a.C..

12.15-13,00  Discussion

13.00 Lunch time


E. Fiscality and Religion


15.00 Massimiliano MARAZZI (Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli, Italy).

Il cosiddetto "regime delle offerte cultuali": mondo ittita e miceneo a confronto.

15.30 Susan LUPACK (New York, USA).

Deities and Religious Personnel as Collectors.

16.00 Coffee-break

16.15 Lisa M. BENDALL (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom).

Fiscality and Mycenaean Religion.

16.45 Rupert THOMPSON (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom).

Some thoughts on the mo-ro-qa.

17.15-17,45  Discussion

17.45 Visit of Naples' Ancient Underground

20.00 Dinner at "Trattoria dell'Oca" via S. Teresa a Chiaia n° 11


Saturday 23 October 2004


F. Economy and Fiscality


09.30 Alfonso ARCHI (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy).

In Search of Fiscal Obligations in the Documents of Ebla (24th century B.C.).

10.00 Diederik, J.W. MEIJER (University of Leiden, Netherlands).

 Polanyi, Markets and Ancient Mesopotamia.

10.30 Enrico SCAFA (ICEVO, Roma, Italy).

L'economia palaziale fra accumulazione e bancarotta.

11.00 Coffee-break

11,30 David WARBURTON (University of Aarhus C, Denmark).

The Egyptian Example and the Macroeconomic Implications.

12.00,-13,00 Final Discussion

End of workshop



The conference - Program - Speakers and Participants - Registration Form - Map